Louise Amelie
Edition 2023 - Professional Finalist

Missing Member
Louise Amelie’s documentary photo series is an artistic exploration of the global phenomenon of migration and its many facets, which are often ignored in European migration politics. Migration has always been an integral part of human experience and will continue to be. Yet in public discourse it is presented as an aberration, while the existence of nation-state borders is hardly ever questioned. On the globe, Kyrgyzstan nestles inconspicuously next to Kazakhstan and China, but on the ground the vastness and heights of the mountains seem endless. In contrast to the natural beauty, prefabricated housing estates spring up in the capital, Bishkek. Here lives a young population that, despite all the adversities of post-Soviet reality, faces the world with great confidence. In a collection of portraying photographs that foreground the individual stories, the series is an expression of solidarity and empathy, and shows that migration can mean both an opportunity as well as the painful loss of a beloved Missing Member.
Louise Amelie’s photographic work seamlessly intertwines with her directorial expertise, allowing her to craft compelling visual narratives that resonate deeply with audiences. As both a photographer and director, she has collaborated with a diverse range of clients.
In addition to her achievements, Louise Amelie has authored two other photobooks:
OFF WORLDS – A captivating exploration of the outskirts of American society, shedding light on geographical separation and systemic isolation.
SOLE HARLEM – A comprehensive photo series capturing the essence of New York’s Harlem district and celebrating its vibrant diversity.
Throughout her career, Louise Amelie has demonstrated an unwavering dedication to capturing the human experience through her lens. Her thought-provoking works shed light on pressing social issues