Legal mentions

Legal mentions

Legal information

The website is the property of International Women in Photo Association, registered under Siret number 790 684 666 00023 identification, whose registered office is at, 7 rue du printemps, 75017 Paris France.

The director of publication of the website is Arantza Aramburu-Hamel (

The website was created by Novaway, It is hosted by OVH (2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France)

The information contained on the website is provided to visitors only for general information purposes and cannot replace or substitute for advice or consultations of legal, fiscal or any other professional nature.

While IWPA takes the greatest possible care to ensure the quality and reliability of the information contained on the website, such information is provided for information only and without any guarantee, either explicit or implicit, as to validity, exhaustiveness or currency. As a consequence, the visitor acknowledges that they use this information solely on their own responsibility.

IWPA provides no guarantee either as to the availability or accessibility of the website, nor the absence of viruses.

IWPA cannot be held responsible for damage, either temporary or permanent, caused to the visitor’s IT system nor for any losses or damage (including, but not limited to, the loss of data or profits) which is suffered following:

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Nor can IWPA be held responsible for damage resulting from fraudulent intrusion of a third party having led to the modification of information disseminated on the website.

The general structure of the website, the text, data and graphical elements, whether or not animated, constitute works which are protected as such by laws on intellectual property, in particular by copyright, rights relating to designs and models and trademark law, and by international treaties.

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Any person downloading or collecting information disseminated on the website may use it only for private and personal purposes and may not disseminate it. The information obtained can only be reproduced once on paper or digitally. Any use of information collected from the website must mention the source.

The protected works reproduced on the website and which do not belong to IWPA have been the subject of explicit prior authorisation for reproduction from the rights holder.

The hypertext links leading to other sites, principally to websites of IWPA partners, have been the subject of explicit prior authorisation. The links are provided for the personal convenience of Internet users. IWPA has no control over these websites and accepts no responsibility in respect of them. These websites remain solely the responsibility of their owners.

The reproduction of a page of the website in a context not belonging to IWPA, or the insertion of a page belonging to IWPA in a page of a website not belonging to IWPA, is prohibited.

The visitor acknowledges having acquainted themselves with this legal information and undertakes to comply with it.